Heart of a DogLaurie Anderson

Artist and musician Laurie Anderson had to process the deaths of her mother, her husband Lou Reed and her dog Lolabelle in quick succession. Surrender to a filmic essay about love and loss.

Not long after she lost her beloved dog Lolabelle, Laurie Anderson also had to deal with the death of her mother. Less than two years later she lost her husband Lou Reed, with whom she was a couple for 21 years. She translated the impact of the grieving process - which started with the loss of her dog - into a creative and personal essay about life, love, death and language.

She combines her abilities as a musician, artist and performer and combines animation, 8mm personal archives, text and self-written compositions to create an impressive narration. A kind of bright stream of consciousness, her voice is the constant factor throughout the stories and pictures about the dog, the past, fantasies, political and philosophical theories. A film to lose yourself in and one you have to surrender to in order to fully enjoy it. 'Heart of Dog' was screened at several prestigious film festivals and ended up on the long list of the Oscar for Best Documentary.

Visually stunning Essay Love Music

Vertoond op editie(s) 2016
Screened at edition(s) 2016


Directed by Laurie Anderson
France, US
75 min.
No subtitles


Outside the dox


Laurie Anderson


Laurie Anderson, Dan Janvey


Laurie Anderson, Toshiaki Ozawa, Joshua Zucker-Pluda


Melody London, Katherine Nolfi


Laurie Anderson

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