Los Abrazos del RioNicolas Rincon Gille

People who live on the banks of the Magdalena river in Colombia blame their bad luck on Mohan, a mythical river spirit. He is the one who makes holes in the fishermen’s nets and whenever anyone drowns, he must be behind it. What starts out as an entertaining story about local legends gradually turns into an unsettling tale about violence and repression by right-wing militarists. A meditative approach of the violent life in Colombia.

Vertoond op editie(s) 2011
Screened at edition(s) 2011


Directed by Nicolas Rincon Gille
Belgiл, Belgiл
2010 72 min.
Frans, Spaans
Subtitles: Dutch, English


Belgian selection


Nicolas Rincon Gille


Manon Coubia

Production company


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