Michel - acteur verliest de woordenPatrick Minks, Irma Wijsman

For almost forty years, actor Michel Van Dousselaere has been able to rely on his voice both on stage and in front of the camera. But one day, he is diagnosed with aphasia. Together with his wife Irma, he looks for solutions so that he can give one final performance. He also wants to find a way to maintain contact with his environment.

What do you do as an actor when language eludes you? Michel Van Dousselaere is forced to find out when he is struck by progressive aphasia, a brain disorder that affects the speech center. Soon after the diagnosis, Michel’s wife Irma decides to record the entire process. This way the viewer not only sees an intimate portrait of a strong couple that courageously copes with a medical setback. We also follow the dignified farewell of an actor who wants to shine on stage one finale time, whatever it may take. Language plays a huge role both in our daily lives and in the specific profession of an actor. When that certainty is lost, the patient must look for new forms of communication. The journey Van Dousselaere and his wife embark on is marred by difficulty, but the result is heartwarming and inspiring.

Portret Health Art Dutch spoken or subtitled

Vertoond op editie(s) 2018
Screened at edition(s) 2018


Directed by Patrick Minks, Irma Wijsman
The Netherlands
2018 84 min.
No subtitles




Patrick Minks, Irma Wijsman


Patrick Minks, Irma Wijsman


Jaap Veldhoen, Patrick Minks


Patrick Minks


Harry de Wit

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