Receive a production budget of 40,000 euros for the production of a short scientific documentary

Filmmakers, come listen to the Science Talkies where scientists explain their research. Afterwards, meet the scientists during a speed date and work out your own documentary film project. Afterwards, you as a filmmaker pitch your project. In the end, two winners will receive a production budget of €40,000.

DOCVILLE believes that too few scientific documentaries are made that exceed "Youtube quality" in terms of filmic approach and creative interpretation. In collaboration with Canvas, Department of Economy, Science & Innovation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Sabam and Associate Directors DOCVILLE launches a program for the creation of two high-quality short documentaries that have to be finalized by DOCVILLE 2024.
Are you a filmmaker interested? Email with a bio of yourself and a short motivation as to why you would like to participate.
STEP 1 - FEBRUARY 2023 - Call to scientists - Call to VUB Scientists who are interested in participating.
STEP 2 - MARCH 10, 2023 - Selection of up to 10 projects - A reading committee within the festival will select 10 projects that are both substantively interesting and cinematically have a potential future. This will take into account a division between the different specializations.
STEP 3 - MIDDLE MARCH 2023 - Media training scientists - The scientists behind the selected projects will receive media training with the aim of delivering a comprehensible and recruiting pitch at the festival.
STEP 4 - 28 MARCH 2023 - Pitch + Speeddate filmmakers and scientists - The scientists apply their learned media training in practice and give a public pitch. The filmmakers selected by the festival are also present for the pitch. This is followed by a speed date where each scientist has a personal conversation with a filmmaker to align their artistic and content visions.
During the festival, this event is publicly accessible under the name Science Talkies
STEP 5 - MIDDLE APRIL 2023 - Scientist and filmmaker duo presents first idea for a new film - The scientist-filmmaker duos are given a few weeks to now shape their project cinematically and artistically. In a final presentation, it is mainly the filmmaker who must demonstrate that he has a vision that fits the content he wants to tell. This assessment will be done by an independent jury, which will take into account both artistic qualities, scientific relevance and (production) feasibility.
STEP 6 - MIDDLE APRIL 2023 - Two projects win a film budget - The jury will determine two winners, for whom a production budget of 40,000 euros will be provided to finish their documentary by DOCVILLE 2024. In partnership with production company Associate Directors.
STEP 7 - APRIL 2023 TO MARCH 2024 - Production documentary and mentoring - The filmmaker and scientist have one year to finish their documentary. It should premiere at the next edition of DOCVILLE/ScienceVille (March 20-28, 2024). During this period, the production of the film will be co-supervised by the festival itself, Associate Directors and Canvas
In cooperation with



For filmmakers

Vertoond op editie(s) 2023
Screened at edition(s) 2023



Docville Academy | ScienceVille