D+ Maken sociale media (on)gelukkig?

Facebook depression. Instagram addiction. Cyberbullying. The internet and social media look like Pandora's box that has been opened and is ruining our youth forever. But is this so? Or is it an unfounded fear prompted by the omnipresence Facebook depression. Instagram addiction. Cyberbullying. The internet and social media look like Pandora's box that has been opened and is ruining our youth forever. But is this so? Or is it an unfounded fear prompted by the omnipresence of the online world? In short, does the internet make us unhappy? of the online world? In short, does the internet make us unhappy?

In conversion with Dr. Lieve Swinnen, psychiatrist and author of “Help! Mijn kind leeft online”, prof. dr. Kathleen Beullens (School for Mass Communication Research, KU Leuven) & prof. dr. Heide Vandebosch (Media Studies, UAntwerpen)

Moderated by Marleen Finoulst (Gezondheid en Wetenschap).


In cooperation with

Internet Opvoeding

Vertoond op editie(s) 2020
Screened at edition(s) 2020

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